Inmensas olas de plástico llegan a la costa del Caribe dominicano
Vía La Vanguardia “Alerta de emergencia plástica”. Con este titular, la ONG Parley for the Oceans ha viralizado un vídeo que muestra la llegada a la costa de Santo Domingo, la capital de la República Dominicana, de toneladas y toneladas de plástico. PLASTIC EMERGENCY ALERT We need a wave of change and a material revolution. Here’s the story behind this haunting video. It was taken in Santo Domingo, the capital of the Dominican Republic, where Parley and collaborators are working hand in hand with the military and the city council. Over 500 public workers have been mobilized for this cleanup operation. After three days of cleanups we have intercepted over 30 tons of plastic, but there is a lot more work to be done. Wherever you are in the world, you can be part of the solution: #ParleyAIR: Avoid. Intercept. Redesign. @corona @oceanplastic #100islandsprotected Una publicación compartida de Parley for the Oceans ( el 17 Jul, 2018 a las 6:15 PDT ...